Category Archives: First Light

First Light of 2014

So it’s the new year. Hurray!

My inner clock woke me up at 5:45, thinking, as it is Wednesday I should get up and to work. (Curse you bio clock thingy, I have a week off!) Oh well, on my way back to bed after having done some unmentionable things, I looked out of the window and noticed it could actually turn out to be a nice sunrise.

So I took a shower, (a long one) grabbed my camera bag, grabbed the Leica as well (as I prefere it for long exposures) and left the house.  A few steps later I met an icy stair and fell head over heal into 2014. (The  Leica took it well thanks,  the part of my body that landed on the german tank looks worse).

Anyway, I took a nice, now slow and careful walk in the freezing rain to the lake and took this shot for you. As you see, no sacrifice too high for you!

And with these words, Happy New Year and enjoy the slippery 2014!

First light of a new year

You know, sometimes I could curse technology. Like, when my alarm clock, that is programmed to wake me up at 5:45 on a Tuesday does so on January 1. I mean, it wasn’t a gentle “Happy new year” it threw at me. So I turned, tried to sleep again and felt a bit of a new year hangover creeping up.

After a while, not being able to fall asleep again, I got up, looked up the lake and noticed a promising glow. And thought a lil bit of fresh air might help fight my hangover. And so I got up, grabbed a camera, tripod and and went to the lake. Of course, I wasn’t dressed appropriately and was freezing my butt off while watching the show.

First light of 2013
First light of 2013

And so, with the first light of the year, happy new year to my dear reader, may it bring you laughter, joy and good light 🙂

Technical stuff: I took 5 exposures and blended them then in Photoshop Elements using layer masks, some green tea and a yoghurt. And no, the last two things are not Photoshop filters 😉