Category Archives: Guest Post

A Dutch who felt in love with mountains

Imagine growing up in a land where the highest mountain is  – a hill. A small one. A country, where a substantial part of it is actually below sea level. You grew up being used that your view ends at the horizon, the place where the sea meets the sky.

Now imagine you come to Switzerland. You’ll probably sum up that experience with one word. Mountains. With capital M.  You are either terrified and drive your campervan at 10 mph over the passes. Or you fall in love.

Meet Johan Peijnenburg. He did fall in love. And he is also quite a good landscape photographer. So if this is your cup of tea, head over to his site Nio Photography.  Just have a look at his photos and you will know why he is “The Dutch who felt in love with mountains”

And if you want to, you can also follow him on Google Plus 

A great Wildlife Photographer

I have to give credit to Google Plus, as it got me in touch with quite a few outstanding photographers. The one I want to present you today is Anette Mossbacher, a very dedicated wildlife photographer.

She is doing what I dreamed of doing when I was a little child, she ventures to places I yet have to visit and takes stunning pictures of wildlife and the places it lives in. Not to mention she is a great sport and fun person to hang out with.

So, if you like really stunning photos of nature and care about the environment as much as you should, I highly recomend you visit and subscribe to her blog.

Seriously. And to keep you from getting lost, you’ll find her blog here

Oh, and I love her last article about polar bears!


Photokram by Thomas Schaller

Let me introduce you to a rare, endangered species. It roamed the photographic world since mankind began to capture light in dark boxes, but has now been pushed to the brink of vanishing in the mists of past by the digital age.

May I present: The Analog Photographer

This one is a specially rare breed, as he is not only taking pictures on film but also takes the time to print them in a dark room. Which of course you won’t be able to estimate on a blog. Bummer.

Among normal 35mm film experiments he also does pinhole photography and medium format. And I’m pretty sure he’ll dive into large format too in the near future.

And of course, he’s owning a digital camera as well. After all… maybe the pure breed analog photographer is vanishing in the mist of time after all?

Although the blog is written in german, head over, it’s well worth it. Pictures are universal after all!


Die alte Hexe lernt dazu

Monatsgeschichten – Mal was ganz anderes und Wert, gelesen zu werden!

Sie begann sich in ihrem Häuschen am Meer einzurichten. Nicht allzu sehr, denn sie wusste ja nicht, ob sie bleiben wollte. Möbel waren vorhanden, etwas Wäsche, Geschirr und Töpfe in der Küche auch. Mehr brauchte sie nicht.
Sie genoss lange Strandspaziergänge, von denen sie Muscheln und Schwemmholz mitbrachte. Damit dekorierte sie ihre Veranda. Im Haus wollte sie die Sachen nicht, denn vor allem das Holz verbreitete einen penetranten Fischgeruch während es trocknete.
An warmen Herbstnachmittagen sass sie in dem alten Schaukelstuhl auf der Veranda und genoss die letzten wärmenden Sonnenstrahlen des Jahres. Der Schaukelstuhl quietschte ganz leicht. Dieses Quietschen, zusammen mit dem Rauschen der Brandung und dem leichten Wind, der immer blies, hatten eine beruhigende Wirkung auf die alte Hexe. Sie merkte, dass die lange Wanderschaft sie doch etwas ermüdet hatte, und es ihren Knochen und Gelenken gut tat, sich etwas auszuruhen. Auch ihre Gedanken beruhigten sich, und so verdöste…

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